7725 SEK | (9656.25 SEK inkl. moms) |
Leverans - omgående
Tydlig modell som visar nervsystemets grundläggande strukturer.
Till vänster ses ett snitt i kraftig förstoring. Till höger sitter fem modeller av de vanligaste synapstyperna. Den översta modellen är delbar så att man kan se cellens inre delar t.ex. mitokondrierna.
Modellerna har magnetfästen och kan tas loss för närmare studier.
Fabrikat: 3B Scientific 1000232 (C40).
Mått: 68x51x10 cm.
Material: Platta av metall. Modeller av plast.
Vikt: 4,2 kg
Enjoy using the exclusive virtual anatomy content with the following features:
1. Freely rotate your digital model and zoom in and out
2. Display hotspots and their anatomical structures
3. Augmented Reality (AR) feature starts your virtual anatomy model
4. Anatomy Quiz function to test and improve your anatomical knowledge with instant results and final score evaluation
5. Drawing function that allows image customization with save and share function
6. Useful Notes function to help you with your personal learning
7. Possibility to learn both male and female anatomy
8. Easy access to 3D content both online and offline
To get started, simply scan the QR-code located on your 3B Scientific® Anatomical Model, download the new 3B Smart Anatomy app and step into the virtual world of Human Anatomy. Click here to learn more.